Yesterday was my third MTF, which you probably know about from reading my email newsletter.
I arrived at the NWCC Conversation Club with the other volunteers. Turns out that rather than being with the adults for the club, I chose to join the singular childcare worker (since another lady hadn't been able to make it) to help watch the preschoolers while the moms gathered to talk about food, and, hopefully, the Bread of Life.
We had six kids, ranging in age from 2-4. Most appeared to be from M families. One girl had the most beautiful smile, and I found myself praying for them and her in particular as I interacted with them. It's always so interesting to quickly pick up on who's the bossy one and who are the quiet ones :)
After the 1.5 hour time slot, I had lunch with the lady who leads the Conversation Club, just to get to know her and allow her to get to know me. I found it to be an encouraging time, and I still need to journal my thoughts about that.
In partnership with FL, another group, I planned to pick up some food for a S family. I was supposed to deliver it today, but that change of plans had slipped my mind and I took it yesterday. The lady was confused and in a hurry, which was my fault not hers! She apparently spoke no English - our only interaction was through Google Translate. I felt so very bad when I called my FL contact to update her, only to be reminded I was supposed to drop off the food on Saturday.
The enemy tried hard to lord that one over me. I was inclined to feel guilty and frustrated at myself as well ... but instead I chose to write a gratitude list as soon as I got home, and journal about that piece of my day and forgive myself. And then I talked with my parents on the phone for a bit :)
This was the most active of my MTF Fridays so far, and I look forward to diving deeper into future ones as well!
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