Well, I did go out to work on my bike, and I am SO SO SO glad I did! (You'll see why in a minute!)
I got my odometer installed without too much trouble...evidently I lost a little nut that was supposed to go with the screw to keep the bracket in place on the handlebars though...thankfully I had ONE extra cable tie that I could use instead. Then I started working on the brakes. I think I said this already, but when I rode my bike this morning the brakes were having NO impact AT ALL. So I was trying to figure out how to tighten the brakes...I eventually figured out how to do it, but the process was really really involved.
I was just getting started when I heard a thump. I looked over beside me, and there was a little hummingbird lying on the ground. The poor baby had hit a window. I don't know if he hit the first story window, but he might have hit the second or third story one! Right after he hit the window, he was lying on the sidewalk with both wings spread straight out. I had to pick him up (VERY gently!) and put him in my hand....but he still had his wings all spread out.
In a copule minutes, he kind of sat up in my hand...he wasn't lying down any more. I tried to find a flower to give him some nectar, but he wasn't interested. He shot his little tounge in and out a couple times though. A little while after I took a picture of him with my cell phone, I moved him to my leg and he squeaked at me (I did it so that I could try to hold the flower better).

Then he perked up some more, and started getting nervous whenever I moved. Eventually, he flew to a bush. I was just about to get another picture of him sitting in the bush, but somebody walked by and he flew up into a magnolia tree. I checked on him again a couple more times, and the last time I went over there, he had flown away. I was standing there looking around when a hummingbird flew by me. I don't know if it was the same one or not, but I like to imagine that it was!
So I finally finished up with my bike, then went on a little ride, then had to re-do my brakes because I hadn't tightened the screw enough and so they had started to slip back. I've got them really really tight now though, so hopefully it won't be a problem anymore. And if it is, I know how to fix it! I talked to Nathan on the phone for a while....then I ate dinner. Came back to my room and worked on a few things, then my room mate and a friend of her's and I went to the JBU swim party. It didn't start until 9:00, and went until 11. We did NOT stay the whole time...the water was way too cold and there weren't really very many people there. So we came back and took hot showers and now I am headed for bed!
Tomorrow morning I am going to go to Siloam Springs Bible Church...that's where the friend who suggested I look into JBU attended while she lived here. Goodnight!!
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