Monday, June 23, 2014

Last Wednesday....

Just a couple little snippets for your enjoyment tonight J

A few days ago, I had a couple interesting/funny things happen.

First, I was preparing some food for a young adults’ class potluck. I’m still having Uganda withdrawal, so I decided to make one of the dishes we had there often: avocado salad. At least that’s what I call it.

It’s pretty simple – you can make it too! Just cut up a few avocados, add a tomato and some red onion, and maybe a few spices (I forgot to put spices in mine…sorry folks!).

Our wonderful cooks there were always making it for a crowd, so I had to remind myself not to use as many avocados as they normally did…but then again the size of these green fruits (or vegetables) is twice as big in the Pearl of Africa as it is here. I guess that one guy was telling me the truth when he joked about how Uganda keeps all the best avocados and only exports the little ones ;-)

So there I was, cutting up the salad ingredients, thinking about how much I missed Betty and Harriet and hanging out with or helping them in the kitchen. I was listening to the radio, and you’ll never guess what song came on:

Just their favorite song! I don’t know how many times it was playing as they made dinner. I felt like I was right back in Uganda….but still missing these wonderful ladies. Soon—I’ll be back soon!

So that was happening #1. #2 occurred when I went over to my church to babysit during a class/Bible study. I had four kids: Two brothers, just turned 7 and 5; and a sister and brother, 7 ½ and almost six.

I was having fun watch them do the whole kid thing, playing ninjas and princesses and capturing and rescuing and wrestling a little. Anyway, we decided to play sharks and minnows. Somehow I got picked to be the shark.

I don’t remember how the subject of age came up…..but it did! They asked mine, and I told them to guess. Actually, I think I just told them that I’m 23.

Well, the oldest boy didn’t believe me. He was like “no way, you look like you’re 13!” To which his younger brother responded “no she doesn’t!” The other boy was like “no, she looks like an old woman!” And the young lady of the group won when she told me “no, you just look like a grown up woman.”

Or at least that’s how I remember it now. Hope you got a chuckle out of it J

And don’t give me the “you’ll be glad you look so young someday!” line. Because I’m not there yet. We went to an event for military academy students and graduates. Folks knew Nathan was either in the Academy or just graduated….but they didn’t know about me.

“So where do you go to school?” one important person asked me. “Oh, I graduated from college a year ago…..” Yep, I got there before Nathan did!

But another gal took the cake. She just graduated from high school and received an appointment to USAFA, I think by now she’s there undergoing BCT! Best wishes to her! At any rate, her comment after me mentioning that my brother had graduated was “are you applying to the academies, or are you going to let him be the only one?” In other words, she assumed I had just finished my sophomore or junior year in college! {sigh…….}

At least Nathan was very nice and considerate when we were in Colorado last month. He was kind enough to make a point of introducing me to his friends as his older sister! Thanks didi, I definitely appreciated that J