{Mr. B is one of our nicknames for Bluebonnet :) This is a little story about what he did this morning that I found amusing. The pictures were taken afterwards to recreate the scene.}
This morning soon after I got up Bluebonnet flew to the bathroom to sit on the towel rack and talk to the budgie in the mirror, as he often does:
I was busy doing other stuff at first and didn't notice what he was doing, but he evidently flew down to the counter and dropped one of "his" pencils (pencils are his favorite toy ever :D) off the counter and into the sink:
(If you can't tell, he's actually holding the pencil in his beak in this picture)
Anyway, when I started paying attention again he was talking to the broken hand mirror that sits on the counter:
Then he ran over to the edge of the counter looking for his pencil on the floor (where he usually drops it to):
Not finding the pencil there, he checked in the only other logical place he could think of - the sink!
Knowing that he couldn't go into the sink to play with the pencil, he ran back to his budgie friend in the mirror. But being the ADD budgie he is, he soon ran over to his other pencil on the counter. I had purposely tucked it behind some other stuff to make it more difficult for him to drop it over the edge:
Well he was a determined little fella. He hopped on top of my retainer case to get to it. After a couple tries, he got it out from behind the stuff:
And then, he carried it clear from about here to the edge and dropped it over! I've never seen him carry a pencil that far before - strong little budgie!
As soon as he had dropped it to the floor he flew down to join it. Again he lifted it clear off the ground and carried it for a little ways! About that time he realized I was watching him and so he got completely distracted ;-)
As I was taking pictures for this post, he did some other funny things. One of them was evidently stepping on the pencil which caused it to roll away from him. Since he's a rather timid little creature (he only weighs an ounce, after all!) he jumped when the pencil went rattling across the counter. I'm pretty sure this picture caught him in the middle of the jump :)
Here's a picture of him in the act of dropping a pencil over the edge of the counter. I don't know why he thinks it's so fun to make a pencil fall...but he does it a lot. Whenever I get home from being gone for a couple hours I find pencils on the floor throughout the house :D
A little later, he decided to take a shower. He takes showers by running around on my hands and arms while they're in the sink under the faucet on spray mode. He had a pretty good shower too! So afterwards he was a wet little budgie. You know the wet dog smell? Well it's true for birds too ;-)
The End. Thanks for reading! :D